Wireless Android Auto Pre-order

Being the market leader and first to release a vehicle specific aftermarket Apple CarPlay and Android Auto solution in Europe, we have now achieved another milestone. We now have a wireless Android Auto solution available to pre-order.

Please view our wireless Android Auto demo video.

Our Wireless Android Auto interface will include our new low profile microphone, developed in house specially for Android phone users. It works well with both Google Assistant and handsfree calling. Please checkout the compatible Apple CarPlay/Android Auto product for your vehicle and leave a note stating “Pre-order wireless AA”. Currently there is a 10-15 day lead time and dispatch will commence from the end of the month.

Please note, only a limited number of Android phone handsets support Wireless Android Auto. If your device doesn’t support wireless connectivity, you can still connect via cable. You must also have the “wireless projection” option enabled on your Android phone.

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